Grow Your Own Pink Oyster Mushrooms: A Simple Guide

Getting Started

  1. Prepare Your Box: Cut an X no bigger than 3-5cm on the front of the box to initiate mushroom growth. (Don't wait too long to do this. Otherwise mushrooms may start growing on their own..)
  2. Placement: Place the box in a warm, humid environment with indirect light. Ideal temperatures are between 20°C and 30°C.
  3. Watering Routine: Maintain high humidity using a humidifier or lightly mist the opening 2-3 times daily.

Watching Your Mushrooms Grow

  • Emergence Timeline: Mushrooms emerge within 1-4 weeks.

Harvesting Time

  • Harvest when mushrooms are bright pink and before their edges flip up or harden. Twist and pull them off the substrate. (Leaving your mushrooms for too long will allow the spores to drop which may prevent future flushes of mushrooms)

Maximizing Your Yield

  • After harvesting, place your box in a cool dark cupboard. Allow the substrate to rest for 1-3 weeks before expecting another flush of mushrooms to start.

Storing and Using Your Mushrooms

  • Store in a paper bag in the fridge or freeze for long-term storage. Avoid plastic or glass containers.

Composting Your Grow Block

  • Compost the spent block for nutrient-rich soil.

Ready to buy your mushroom box? Click Here

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